
Ankle Sprain and The Summit Physiotherapy Dec 9th - 2009

Sprained ankles are very common and repeated sprains can lead to a swollen, painful ankle, problems walking on rough ground and the risk of re-injury. The physiotherapist begins with asking: How did the injury occur? Was there a high level of force involved? What happened afterwards – could the patient walk or did they go to hospital? Was there an x-ray?

The amount of pain the patient suffered after the injury is extremely important and if the level of pain is very high or if it doesn’t settle, there might be a fracture. Pain should settle with time and if not the physio will refer the patient back to the orthopaedic doctor. The areas of pain should match the mechanism of injury, indicate which structures might be injured and should be tested by the physiotherapist later.

If you are suffering from ankle pain we can help you, we have treated many patients successfully with techniques designed to get results.
If you have or happen to sprain your ankle in the future, here are some important things to remember:

Management of Knee Replacement Nov 18th - 2009


Sydney Physiotherapy and the Management of Knee Replacement


The Summit Physiotherapy has assisted many patients who have had to have a knee reconstruction or knee replacement.


Background on Knee Replacement:


Major joint replacement is one of the success stories of the late twentieth century, providing the greatest changes in quality of life measurements of all medical treatments or operations. Total knee replacement has now developed from a less predictable operation to a routine procedure with good long-term results for severely osteo-arthritic joints. Populations in developed countries are rapidly getting older and total knee replacement is set to overtake total hip replacement as the most performed joint replacement.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition which is more common the older a person becomes, and is the most prevalent joint condition in human populations. The most affected joints vary, with some people having spinal and finger changes whilst other suffer OA of the major joints such as the hips and the knees. Major joint disease is more disabling as it tends to compromise normal mobility and so reduce independence. The patient can suffer from loss of knee movement, reduction of knee power, grating and crunching of the joint and pain, for which weight loss, muscle strengthening, painkilling medication and physiotherapy can be useful. If normal therapies are not successful then knee replacement is the remaining option.

The osteoarthritic joint surfaces are precisely cut away in knee replacement and metal and plastic surfaces are substituted. These are:

  • Femoral component. This is a steel alloy and replaces the arthritic end of the thigh bone.
  • The tibial component, again of metal, replaces the flat top of the shin bone.
  • Plastic insert. This is a high density polyethylene and reduces friction between the two main components.
  • Patellar button. This is also plastic and replaces the back surfaces of the kneecap. If this is not replaced then persistent anterior knee pain can be a problem.


These components are placed in position using cement which acts more like a grout than an adhesive.


How the Summit’s team can assist you with Knee Management:


If you are a patient who requires this form of surgery, the Summit Physiotherapy are very qualified to assist you back to full health and mobility. We will compile an action plan post surgery to manage your way through the knee reconstruction/knee replacement process. Theo Kavieris has treated over 2,000 knees and is highly trained at patient recovery, where knee associated issues are concerned. Contact us on: or 02 9966 1347 to make a booking, we will take through the steps required to regain full health and joint mobility.

Accredited by all Health Funds, Workcover, and Veterans Affairs

Treating Lumbar Spinal Pain Oct 29th - 2009

Lower back pain is very common and most people have experienced back pain episodes at some time during their lives. Attendances at Physiotherapy clinics for lower back pain are very common. Physiotherapists employ a variety of assessments, and treatment techniques to manage spinal pain and improve patient function.

Our Physiotherapists look for the patient to react, as to whether they have mechanical spinal pain, a condition where normal physical stresses such as sitting or walking have a worsening or easing affect on the pain. The examination starts by observing the posture and movement of the patient during the questioning and the physio follows this by examining the spinal posture and ranges of movement. Abnormalities of posture are common and not always important, with leg length differences, a reduction or increase in the back curves and a scoliosis being common findings.

Physiotherapy is a fantastic way to manage and treat back pain. If you are suffering with back pain, come in and see us, our team are well trained and have 15+ years experience in dealing with patient back pain (The Principal Physiotherapist: Theodore Kavieris has treated over 5,000 backs during his career, read more about Theo’s experience here). No one should have to live with ongoing back pain.

If you have questions about back pain, feel free to contact us: or call us on: 02 9966 1347, we are committed to your health and wellbeing!

Accredited by all Health Funds, Workcover, and Veterans Affairs

Physiotherapy and Haemophilia Nov 23rd - 2008

Many health professionals and patients are still unfamiliar with the important role of physiotherapy in the treatment of haemophilia. The musculoskeletal problems that cause the repetitive haemorrhages can be relieved. A correct rehabilitating treatment can restore the patient’s independence and functional capacity and, consequently, increasing life quality.

Haemophilia is a haemorrhagic, hereditary, monogenic, recessive and sex-linked illness. It is caused by the deficiency of the blood clotting factors VII or IX. This deficiency causes haemorrhages that can be either cerebral – which are the worst – and/or musculoskeletal, which has more after effects. It’s in these

cases of musculoskeletal injuries that a rehabilitation treatment can offer considerable solutions. In 1962, Biggs and Mcfarlane published a series of works in which they proposed a new treatment focus, highlighting the value of the orthopedic field. Haemophilia, as all illnesses, can be treated better when looked at from a multi-disciplinary point of view and physiotherapy forms an essential part of the team, whenever it’s combined with the convenient haematologic treatment.

The most common musculoskeletal injuries caused by haemophilia are haemarthrosis, synovitis and muscular haematomas. The patient ends up suffering haemophilic arthropathy and consequently, all the functional troubles and invalidity this brings along. Haemarthrosis (presence of intraarticular blood) is frequent in elbows, ankles and knees. Its etiology can be traumatologic or spontaneous (without an apparent cause) and its seriousness usually depends on the intensity of the trauma.

This accumulation of intraarticular blood causes a hypertrophy of the synovial lining which tends to lead to a new haemorrhage. In the large majority of the cases. this haemorrhagic episode causes a haemophilic synovitis. The repetitive haemorrhages deposit iron and haemosiderin in the articulations, which generates an inflammation of the sinovial causing physiological changes in the latter.

Consequence: an alteration of the nutrition of the cartilage and the possibility of new haemorrhages. Another common injury are muscular haematomas. The haemorrhages patients suffer continue until the intramuscular pressure equals the intravascular pressure of the injured vessels. If the amount of blood exceeds the absorbing capacity of the phagocytes, the blood encapsulates and forms a cyst. This cyst can evolve and become a haemophilic pseudotumour which can invade and damage nearby tissues or turn into an abscess.

The Summit Physiotherapy team can help you if you suffer from Haemophilia, we always work in conjunction with treating Doctors for best patient outcomes. Contact us on: or call: 02 9966 1347 to make a booking to discuss how physiotherapy can help you manage your condition.

Accredited by all Health Funds, Workcover, and Veterans Affairs